Terms of Use
I. Subject
These General Terms and Conditions, hereinafter referred to as the "General Terms and Conditions", are intended to regulate the relations between ECOEFECT SV EOOD, hereinafter referred to as "the Provider", the owner of the website: https://ecoefect.com. , hereinafter referred to as the "Website", and users, hereinafter referred to as "User" (s), on the Website in connection with the user's use of the Website.
II. Supplier Details
Information about the Provider:
2. UIC / BULSTAT: BG203734072
3. Headquarters and address of management: Svishtov, 5250, West Industrial Zone, Svilosa,
4. Address for exercising the activity: Svishtov, 5250, West Industrial Zone, Svilosa,
5. Correspondence data: Svishtov, 5250, West Industrial Zone, Svilosa Site
6. E-mail: office@ecoefect.com
7. Tel: +359 888 029 497
Supervisors :
1. Name: Commission for Personal Data Protection
2. Headquarters and address of management: Sofia 1592, "Prof. 2 Tsvetan Lazarov
3. Correspondence data: Sofia 1592, "Prof. 2 Tsvetan Lazarov
4. Telephone: 02 915 3 518
5. Email: kzld@government.bg, kzld@cpdp.bg
6. Web site: www.cpdp.bg
III. General provisions
The Services and the Website are operated in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
The Provider does not in any way guarantee the continuous functioning of the page, and whether the Website contains errors.
The Provider reserves the right to discontinue access to certain material (including, but not limited to, pictures, texts, etc.) posted on the Website or throughout the Website without the user's consent, scheduled or incidental, without being responsible for any eventual occurrence as a result of stopping harm to the User.
The Provider reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, the structure or content of the Website. The changes will take effect immediately after their publication on the website.
The Provider reserves the right to change the structure or content of the Website without prior notice to the User. The changes will take effect once they are published on the website.
IV. Features of the Service
The main features of the services provided to the Users by the Provider via the Website are as follows:
The Provider provides the opportunity to view and share the content posted on the Website. The Provider provides information about himself, the services he provides, information articles, contacts, clients and partners, and others.
The Provider shall provide the possibility to make a phone call via functional buttons on the Internet site.
The Provider provides the possibility to make electronic inquiries through a quick contact form for inquiry on the website. The user should complete the fields required by the Provider. When using this service, Users should also take into account the acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions that the use of this service does not automatically lead to the conclusion of a contract between the respective User and the Provider and does not place the Provider and the User in a contractual relationship . It is to be considered that the respective User has concluded a contract with the Provider only after receiving a confirmation in this connection from the Provider.
The Provider shall provide the possibility to send electronic inquiries via a User's e-mail address, using functional links from the Website.
For this purpose, the User has to choose a specific functional link on the website, a place where an e-mail address of the Provider is displayed.
The Provider shall be able to forward the User to the Provider's business profiles in the social networks, profiles and websites of his partners, clients and others. The Provider provides this functions in order to be useful for Users by not being responsible for the content of the Profiles and Internet sites that are provided with the possibility of forwarding and that are not owned by and / or not operated by the Provider.
The Provider provides the possibility to change the language of the content on the website by selecting function buttons.
The provider does not guarantee the ability to translate any content into the web site.
V. Intellectual Property Rights
All information published on the Website: texts, photographs, audio and video materials is the intellectual property of the Provider or the latter is legally protected and as such is protected by the applicable legislation on the protection of intellectual property, including but not limited to only the protection of copyright and related rights.
The Supplier retains all the rights set forth in the previous paragraph.
The website may contain names and marks of products, services or persons who represent or may represent trademarks owned by the Contractor or third parties. The access to the website, as well as nothing in these Terms of Service or the rest of the content of the Website, shall be understood and / or interpreted and shall not constitute the granting of any license or right to use any such trademark, without the prior written consent of the Provider or third party owner of the intellectual property in question.
VI. Other terms and conditions
The information and materials available on the website are of informative, general and abstract nature and do not constitute a consultation provided by the Provider to any of the Users of the Website.
The Provider is not responsible for the correctness, reliability, veracity and / or timeliness of the information and materials available on and / or through the Website for any reason or their relevance to a particular factual situation.
Any invalidity of any provision of the General Terms and Conditions will not invalidate the entire contract.
These General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force for all Beneficiaries as of 07.02.2019.
The Terms and Conditions may be modified by the Provider at any time, and any changes to the Terms and Conditions will be enforced by the Users without the explicit notification of the latter.
By using the Website and the information therein, the User expresses its unconditional agreement to the Terms and Conditions and any subsequent changes thereto, and ensures that they are agree with.